马闯等《Molecular Biology and Evolution》2021年

作者: 来源: 发布日期:2021-10-15 浏览次数:

论文题目:Evolutionary implications of the RNA N6-methyladenosine methylome in plants

论文作者:Zhenyan Miao, Ting Zhang, Bin Xie, Yuhong Qi, Chuang Ma

论文摘要:Epigenetic modifications play important roles in genome evolution and innovation. However, most analyses have focused on the evolutionary role of DNA modifications, and little is understood about the influence of post-transcriptional RNA modifications on genome evolution. To explore the evolutionary significance of RNA modifications, we generated transcriptome-wide profiles of N6-methyladenosine (m6A), the most prevalent internal modification of mRNA, for 13 representative plant species spanning over half a billion years of evolution. These data reveal the evolutionary conservation and divergence of m6A methylomes in plants, uncover the preference of m6A modifications on ancient orthologous genes, and demonstrate less m6A divergence between orthologous gene pairs with earlier evolutionary origins. Further investigation revealed that the evolutionary divergence of m6A modifications is related to sequence variation between homologs from whole genome duplication and gene family expansion from local genome duplication. Unexpectedly, a significant negative correlation was found between the retention ratio of m6A modifications and the number of family members. Moreover, the divergence of m6A modifications is accompanied by variation in the expression level and translation efficiency of duplicated genes from whole and local genome duplication. Our work reveals new insights into evolutionary patterns of m6A methylomes in plant species and their implications, and provides a resource of plant m6A profiles for further studies of m6A regulation and function in an evolutionary context.

m6A是真核生物mRNA中最常见、含量最为丰富的甲基化修饰类型。随着m6A-seq测序技术的应用和改进,针对全转录组水平的m6A修饰研究技术取得了巨大突破,成功应用到动物、酵母、细菌、植物的功能研究中,揭示了m6A修饰在调节RNA剪接、翻译、稳定性上的重要作用和m6A修饰的进化保守、组织特异以及响应胁迫等特点。表观遗传修饰在基因组的进化创新中发挥着重要作用。然而,目前相关的大多数研究集中在DNA 修饰的进化作用机制,转录后RNA修饰对基因组进化的影响知之甚少。

在该项研究中,研究人员以小立碗藓、拟南芥、玉米、水稻、小麦等13种具有代表性植物物种为对象,构建了对应的RNAm6A修饰全转录组图谱,以跨越5亿年进化时间的尺度对数据深入分析,发掘出植物m6A 修饰在进化中的保守性和分化特征。该研究表明,伴随着植物物种的进化过程,m6A 修饰偏好性地保留在进化起源古老的直系同源基因中;相对于新产生的基因,早期进化起源的直系同源基因对之间的m6A 差异更小;全基因组复制后的序列变异和局部基因组复制事件导致的基因家族扩张是引起同源基因间m6A 修饰差异的重要因素;同源基因间m6A 修饰的差异影响了基因组复制事件产生的重复基因的转录水平和翻译效率的变化。

近年来,马闯教授团队围绕植物RNA修饰开展了一系列生物信息学分析方法研究、软件研发以及生物学知识挖掘工作,相关研究成果发表在Plant Physiology(PMID: 33631802; 31409695)、Bioinformatics(PMID:29850798)以及Frontiers in Plant Science(PMID:29720995)等期刊。这项研究是该团队在植物RNA修饰进化相关生物学知识挖掘方面的又一阶段性成果,为RNA甲基化修饰调控基因表达研究提供了新的研究视角,也为后续进一步研究m6A修饰调控基因功能的进化机制提供了丰富的数据资源。

